Do you find yourself running out of money by the end of every month? Do you struggle to manage your expenses within your budget? Do you run out of cash before your EMIs are due every month? Or do you fear that you don’t have enough savings in case of an emergency? Do you wish you could build better financial habits? Well you’ve come to the right place! Wizely is here to help you build good financial habits while rewarding you every step of the way! So if you care about your financial health and want to earn rewards then you’ve found the right app that’s being used by over a million Indians!And the best part? Every Wednesday Wizely has a Mega Reward of upto Rs. 25 lakhs just for maintaining good financial habits through improving your Financial Wellness Score! How does it work? - Wizely will give you a Financial Wellness Score based on your monthly income and an expense budget- Provides personalised recommendations to help you improve your Score by managing budget and saving more- Helps you categorize expenses to avoid overspending and stay within the budget - Makes it easy to create saving plans and save any amount and any time for emergencies and other life goals. You can start saving with just Rs 10 - Start a Gold Plan from as low as Rs 10 and sell anytime anywhere.- Makes it fun and rewarding to participate in spending, saving and financial wellness challenges and improve Score- Earn Instant Rewards every day for fulfilling the challenges- Improve Wellness Score and earn upto Rs. 25 Lakhs Reward every Wednesday; We call this Wizely Wednesday!- Smart, personalised AI alerts tell you how much to save and when: gain access to a holistic view of your financial journey. More savings per month and more visibility into your finances using our SmartTips functionality- Choose Auto Saving rules daily, weekly or monthly and watch your savings grow without even realising it.- Have an emergency? Withdraw your money anytimeWizely has partnered with ICICI Bank & ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund and runs on 256-bit encryption, making every transaction safe and secure.Wizely is the financial buddy you never knew you needed! Download today and manage your money better while earning Instant Rewards for maintaining good financial habits!